Read about the location, topography and climate of this African country.
Washington office provides the basic facts to get visitors started. Find out about holidays, the regions, lodging, consulates and banks.
Excellent collection of resources from the Univ. of Pennsylvania's African Studies Center. Includes a map, travel advisories, and links.
Street map labels the streets and important places, including the US Embassy. See where the rail lines run and which streets go to the river.
Labels the locations of the airport, the principal cities, the rivers, and the lakes. Includes detailed portions of the surrounding countries.
Reference article shares facts about this country's geography, economy, and history. Viewing enlarged images requires a subscription.
Stephen Buckley's article from the Washington Post. Photographs illustrate this look at the traditional lifestyle and how the nomads fare today.
Follow the history of this ancient city from its founding to the present day. Photos of the people and the area show what visitors find today.