APCO represents Public Safety Answering Points, the agencies that receive 9-1-1 calls for police, fire and ambulance services, in proceedings before the FCC.
Learn how to volunteer for Champaign County's emergency services and disaster agency, and find emergency preparedness materials.
News service reports disaster response and facilitates information sharing among disaster responders. Also suggests ways for the public to assist disaster victims.
Extensive info on emergency management, hazardous materials, fire and police operations, infectious diseases, and terrorism from ERR Institute.
Provides fire enthusiasts with a view of the National Fallen Firefighters Walk of Honor. Access a list of active member groups listed by region.
North American Center which works to alleviate communications shortages within disaster areas to help the flow of emergency aid.
Presents details on joining the E.S.D.A. and the types of emergency service jobs it engages in. Access links and read about civil preparedness.