Institute pursues research in gravitational physics related to general relativity. Read papers, find a seminar schedule, or peruse links.
Group comprised of researchers in mathematical, theoretical, and experimental gravitation provides membership details, a newsletter, and links.
Relativity research group at Cardiff University provides a technical resource for researchers, plus a tutorial for interested laypersons.
Find lecture notes outlining the time-line and the key figures behind the discovery of general relativity. Posts bios and a list of works cited.
Discusses a theoretical inertial-force deviation propulsion system led by general relativity. Text is in English or Japanese.
Interactive Web site allows users to create instructions that request a visit with time travellers from the future.
Observatory is designed to detect and document gravitational waves, as put forth in Einstein's relativity theory.
Has more than 50 short essays, with equations, explaining the concepts of general relativity. Includes a message board, a chat room and links.
Elaborates Einstein's revolutionary explanation for problems posed by classical mechanics, and discusses how it changed the field of physics.
Primo Galletti and Aldo Aluigi of Rome, Italy, offer their thesis regarding the detection of gravitational waves in the universe.
Group promotes interaction between students, postdocs, and faculty interested in the computational aspects of general relativity in astrophysics.
Tutorials and review papers dealing with topics including quantum liquids, spin glasses, superconductors, and materials.
Lecture notes from this University of California at Riverside class explains Einstein's theory of relativity and its applications in cosmology.
Syracuse University group details its seminars, lectures, preprints, and journals. Find links to other relativity groups.
Explore an animated introduction to the elements of special relativity.
Find these groups' research on gravitational waves, which includes photos taken by Hubble telescopes.
Read current news from this University of Pittsburgh group devoted to the theory of relativity. Also find papers, research projects, and links.
Find research activities, a seminar schedule, papers, and links from this center focusing on astrophysics and Einstein's theory of relativity.
Provides answers to several commonly asked questions regarding Einstein's theory of relativity and its modern-day applications.
Group offers perspectives on astrophysical phenomena requiring Einstein's theory of general relativity. Find papers, research, tools, and links.