Get this proof assistant that handles calculus assertions and helps to find formal proofs. With documentation and links to download the current version.
Read an introduction, access the math library, and find papers and projects for this research group focused on this powerful tactic-based proof assistant.
Learn how to obtain this popular generic theorem proving environment that was developed at Cambridge University and TU Munich. With documentation and a mailing list.
Offers tutorials and a FAQ for this Web-based proof assistant that assists with proofs in first order hidden logic and supports distributed cooperative proving.
Find an interactive proof development system that implements various related type systems including the Edinburgh Logical Framework and the Calculus of Constructions.
Provides a user guide, tutorials, and downloads for this logical programming environment that serves as a semantic connection to programming languages.
Offers a Java-based working environment for the Coq theorem prover and features a GUI, structured editing, and proof by pointing. Learn how to obtain the free software.
Software program is a proof assistant based on High Order logic and it is eXtensible. Get installation instructions, examples, and an overview.
Get a user's guide and a tutorial for this editor that allows direct manipulation of proof objects in a logical framework based on Per Martin-Lof's Type Theory.
Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science at the University of Edinburgh developed this generic interface for proof assistants that is based on Emacs.