Medical College of Georgia outlines this center and its research. Includes details of the Animal Behavior Center.
University of California, Berkeley, provides information about the Center on Aging's education programs and research resources.
Centerwatch provides a list of treatment trials being conducted in numerous US states, and information about research centers and FDA approvals.
Bimonthly journal for students and professionals. Examine a summary of contents, a sample copy and subscription information.
Health and Retirement Study and Asset and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest Old are national studies of retirement and the aging of society.
Read a history of the institute and find out about its current research. Includes a FAQ, training information and brain-donation details.
Outlines the multidisciplinary programs on aging and gerontology at Northern Illinois University.
Describes the research activities, seminars, software products, and postdoctoral fellow program sponsored by the Nat'l Institute of Health.
National medical charity strives to prevent major causes of old-age disability and formulate treatments. Find research and fundraising updates.
Results from a project studying the link between cerebrovascular disease and dementia. Based at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center.
Gerontology Center gives information about educational and research opportunities for graduate students or for post-doctoral training.
Gerontology Center provides extensive information on educational opportunities and programs. particularly in research/evaluation and long-term care administration.