Pennsylvania clinic specializes in medicine and physical therapy, including pain management. Provides care in local hospitals and nursing homes.
Chicago orthopedic and sports-physical-therapy clinic provides one-on-one treatment sessions with a licensed physical therapist.
Nonprofit organization specializing in the treatment of cerebral palsy and acquired neurological conditions provides Bobath therapy training.
Contact this center in California for services in industrial workers rehab., prevention and education, or orthopedic and sports medicine.
Creates individual treatment plans for patients with the hand, arm, shoulder, neck, and upper back injuries. Get directions or look for a job.
Nonprofit practitioner group in Illinois diagnoses and treats musculoskeletal injuries. Read about the group's history and view job openings.
Toledo, Ohio, treatment center provides physical, occupational, and speech therapy, sports medicine, orthopedics and industrial rehabilitation.
International spinal therapy organisation headquartered in Waikanae. Locate a therapist and discover how the therapy works.
Evaluates and treats patients with neuromuscular disorders, including cerebral palsy. Conducts clinical research and educational projects.
Offers language pathology, physical therapy, and occupational therapy services. Located in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Specialists in musculoskeletal disorders, pain management, and neurological disorders serve patients in New York and New Jersey offices.
Located in New Boston, the center provides living accommodations and physical therapy for those recovering after a neurological trauma.
Nonprofit organization offers recreational therapy for people with spinal cord injury and related nervous system disorders.
Offers occupational, physical, and speech rehabilitation therapy through the nationwide network of 11,000 professionals.
Clinic in Newport News, Virginia offers treatment programs such as orthopaedic therapy, lymphedema therapy, aquatic rehab., and a hand center.
North Carolina group offers rehabilitation program for children and teenagers with mental retardation, spinal injuries, and autism.
Find services, news, and events at this holistic physical rehabilitation center. With locations in Abilene, San Angelo, and Ozona.