Wesley A. Niewoehner speculates about the behavior of early modern humans based on hand remains found in the Near East.
Articles considers Paleomagnetic dates for paleolithic sites in Spain that may be the oldest evidence of human occupation in Europe.
See a full Homo sapiens skeleton and get essential details on the evolution of anatomically modern humans.
Get a brief summary of the impetus behind Homo sapiens evolution into anatomically modern humans.
Introduction to the earliest forms of the human species includes illustrations, images of fossils and speculations on their development.
Page through this resource on the physical characteristics and culture of early Homo sapiens sapiens.
Showcases several archaic Homo sapiens specimens and describes their evolution into anatomically modern humans.
Find an entry on the Mauer jaw discovered in 1907 near Heidelberg, Germany. Look at photos comparing the Mauer jaw with that of a modern human.
Depicts an archaeological project at a Middle Pleistocene site in England. Get a project overview, and learn about past excavations.