Browse electron microscope images of the substances and crystals found in cave deposits, such as stalactites and stalagmites.
Group documents species that inhabit coastal, aka anchialine, caves that are flooded with seawater. Also describes the Bahamas and Yucatan.
Learn about this cave in southwest Missouri, which visitors explore by riding, not walking. With details about related educational programs.
Provided by the Australian Speleological Association, this glossary is organized alphabetically. Find references, or download the document.
Guide to biospeleology in Illinois offers an overview of the survey's current research, photos, maps and selected literature.
Encyclopedia entry offers a geological description of the qualities of caves and offers a look at their uses throughout history.
Introduces these elongated stony deposits and explains how they are formed through the seepage of mineral-laden groundwater.
Read the newsletter of the Human Science Section of the National Speleological Society. Includes news stories and features on select caves.