Exhibit at this Manhattan museum discusses the history and implications of the Human Genome Project. Learn about the possibilities and problems of genetic manipulation.
Bibliography contains thousands of citations on variations in fish and other animals as well as plants and microbes. Search the database.
Online biology instruction, including genetics, evolution and ecology. Site is for students and instructors, and requires a subscription.
Overview from the Exploratorium, a science museum in San Francisco. Covers DNA similarities between species, and current ethical debates.
Teaches readers about the history of genetic research as well as the practical applications. Participate in experiments, polls, and games.
Columbia Univ. and NY Psychiatric Institute resources exploring human genetic linkage, including newsletters, and analysis software.
Geared towards teachers, students and families, this resource provides fact sheets, laboratory protocols and research information.
Compiles news articles, presents editorials, and provides links and a bibliography for students. Organizes a discussion structured by scholars.
Geared towards educators, students and health professionals, this guide offers educational and clinical resources regarding human genetics.
Offers breaking news and commentary on issues such as genomic imprinting and cancer. Presented by the Jirtle laboratory at Duke University.
Biotechnology primer provides diagrams and explanations of genetic processes, including DNA replication and RNA synthesis.
Variety of clinical, research and teaching resources for genetic counselors, and clinical and medical geneticists.
Mailing list and resource for those interested in biochemical genetics and the field of inborn errors of metabolism.
Educators can find out how to teach genetics through a partnership with University of Utah scientists. Find workshops curricula and textbooks.
Argonne's Division of Educational Programs offers educational resources and an "Ask a Scientist" service for students and teachers.
Overview covers genome mapping techniques, terms, sequencing technology, finding specific genes, and the impact of the Human Genome Project.
Explores controversial issues raised by genetic research. Organized in chapters, supplemented by a glossary.