Read brief description of species of dung beetles. Find out about their characteristics and habits, check out pictures.
Explore the world of bioluminescence including organism photos, an interactive research forum and an overview of related myths.
View of photo of the reddish-brown beetle commonly known as the Straight-snouted weevil, and read about its behavior.
Iowa Insect Information Notes provides diagrams, habitat information, and physical descriptions of these common outdoor and indoor beetles.
Discover how click beetles, members of the Elateridae family, received their name.
Check out physical and biological details of this black and yellow-striped beetle known for harming potato crops.
Plant Disease and Insect Clinic of North Carolina State University provides this fact sheet on the Dung Beetle or Deltochilum gibbosum.
Look up biological data about fireflies, the only bioluminescent member of the beetle family. Includes facts and fun for kids and adults.
Presents fireflie's classification, habitat and behavior. Learn about bioluminescence and find out how to attract fireflies to your garden.
Learn about the successful evolution of beetles and their place in the long-term study of the effects of human civilization on nature.
Animal Diversity Web provides classification information and images of Brychios hundergordi, a common water beetle.
Directed at amateur entomologists, this site has a bibliography, a list of insect traders, and a page for collectors to post exchange offers.
Read about this brightly-colored chysomelid's eating habits, and take a look at the photo.
Find out how this Ecuadorian beetle's iridescent wing cases are used by humans.
Provides scientific information about the classification and unique characteristics of these beetles which can cause blisters on human skin.
Check out scientific data about the Boll Weevil beetle known for its historical destruction of crops, including cotton.
Read about the carpet beetle, named for its tendency to nest, lay eggs, and feed on carpets and other materials of biological origin.
General overview of the click beetle provides links and taxonomic info regarding this beetle known for the noise it makes by bending its head.
Profile of this bug includes details on its appearance, habitat, and its ability to radiate light. Find links to related resources.
Overview of this insect pest includes details on its feeding behavior, habitat, and control measures. Links to related resources.
Features a brief description of this insect and its habitat. Find links to related resources.
Guide to these insects includes a physical description, and details on nesting patterns and metamorphosis. Find related links.
Reference listing presents a description of the larvae, its habitat, and taxonomic info.
Concise reference listing on the beetle describes its destructive behavior and includes taxonomic info.
Presents a description of the horned beetle which are either valued as recyclers or reviled as pests.
Read an encyclopedia article about the tiger beetle and find a photo and links to Encarta's related premium services.
Read a brief article about this waterborne beetle and find links to related topics and resources.
Encyclopedia article offers a biological discussion of this beetle specie and offers access to its related premium resources.
View Mark Thiessen's photo of dozens of these vibrantly-colored scarab beetles in a display case at the Society headquarters.
Find detailed information about Onthophagus australis, the beetle known for its segmented antennae and affinity for open-pasture manure piles.
View of photo of this member of the Erotylidae family, and learn about its role as a symbol in ancient Egypt.
Explains how Chrysomelid beetles reproduce, and furnishes a photo. Also known by the scientific name Acalymma vittatum.
Describes the tiger beetle's predatory nature, and posts a photo. Also known by the scientific name Cicindela haemorrhagica.
Newsletter contains articles, news, bibliography and resources related to water beetles. Check out pictures and submit contributions.
Animal Diversity Web resource details the physical characteristics and natural history of this beetle known to inhabit human cupboards.