Details benefits of this multi-colored aphid-eating beetle that protects pecans, trees, and other crops. Browse color photos and related links.
Provides several photos of the insect in adult and larva form. Connects to other pages regarding the species.
Find classification info, geographic ranges, and the natural history of Hippodamia convergens, a common North American beetle.
Explains the appearance and benefits of ladybugs. Includes a large illustration of one of the beetles.
Sums up the life of the beetle and provides a large illustration for kids to color while learning about the insect.
View large photographs of several species of ladybug beetles.
Article covers some of the natural history of the popular bug. Identify thirteen morphs of the spotted wings and one larva.
See the insect in its larval, pupa, and adult stages. Shares an account of its natural history.
Details the beneficial characteristics of aphid-eating beetles, such as the brightly colored ladybug, which are distasteful to predators.
Article reports on the effects on native species of an influx of Asian lady beetles in the the US Midwest.
Browse details on this insect's habitat, appearance, and scientific classification. Includes related resource links.
View specimens of the alien species that has invaded Ohio. Tells how the beetle were introduced and suggests some management approaches.
Fact sheet covers the diet, aggregation sites, life cycle, and discusses the collection of lady beetles in the California mountains.
University of Michigan provides habitat, taxonomic, and physical details of Adalia bipunctata, the two-spotted ladybug beetle.
US Department of Agriculture, the agency responsible for introducing the insect to the United States, provides some management resources.
Gives a summary of the insect's life for children. Includes a photograph of one bug.