New Zealander's travelling to the US will find this guide to American slang useful.
Look up a specific term or simply browse the entries of this database of British slang. Includes related links and a bibliography.
Find a glossary of terms from the English used by residents of Antarctica's McMurdo scientific station.
Many terms on this list of slang terms show how new words are formed in the English language. Learn where words like McJob and netizen came from.
Browse a small collection of Scottish slang presented in RealAudio format.
Guides offers the lowdown on hip lingo in this city. Entries are organized by category.
Check out this dictionary of slang, Web speak, colloquialisms, and made-up words. Features a submission form for new vocabulary.
Browse a list of examples of slang used in the United States over different decades and eras and submit suggestions of additional expressions.
Glossary of slang provides possible origins for many of the expressions. Find discussion of questionable etymologies.