Organization seeks to promote the classical liberalism of John Locke through publications and discussions. Journals include "The Locke Luminary."
Read a capsule biography of the enlightened radical, and link to his images and some works.
Biography covers the key elements in the thinker's political theory and how they influenced the American Revolution of 1776.
Explore the mind of John Locke through texts such as "Concerning Civil Government, 2nd Essay" and "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding."
David Cody provides a profile of the radical physician-philosopher. With links to his "Essay Concerning Human Understanding."
Profile of the founder of British empiricism sums up his life, work, philosophy, political theory, and ethical theory. Includes a bibliography.
Extensive overview of the English philosopher covers his studies, particularly in medicine, and his published works. Includes a bibliography.
Offers an overview of the life and major works of this English political theorist. Connect to the philosophy network, Hall of Minerva.
Profile of the C17th English thinker who originated empiricism and objected to the doctrine of the divine right of kings.
Profile on the "Philosopher of Freedom" discusses his principles of modern Empiricism and his radical political treatises. Includes links.
Find the complete text of this philosopher's 1692 essays on education and grammar. Includes introductory notes.
Trinity College provides a brief description of the life and works of this English philosopher and empiricist. Find links to other philosophers.
Biography of the Seventeenth-Century Empiricist with links to "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding" and "Second Treatise on Government".