Access a description of a philosophy seminar taught by Keith DeRose at Yale University. Includes lecture summaries and recommended readings.
Michael Tooley, a philosophy professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder, presents an outline for his course in epistemology.
Philosophy professor at Yale University presents resources dealing with epistemology. Find anthologies, graduate programs and publications.
Professor Michael Sudduth offers an overview of his course, and offers handouts pertaining to epistemic rationality and the teachings of Thomas Aquinas and John Calvin.
Educational aid, published by The Council for Philosophical Studies, includes an introduction to epistemology and suggestions for course themes.
Lecture notes from a philosophy class defines epistemology and discusses the rational epistemology advocated by Descartes.
Waterloo, Ontario, faculty takes a multidisciplinary approach to what thinking and understanding are. View publications, the computational epistemology lab and research.
Lecturer and course coordinator Patrick Greenough provides a definition of epistemology, and an outline for the course. With suggested readings.
Richard Feldman offers a syllabus, lecture notes, readings, and homework assignments relating to his course. Includes text corrections.