Overview of the German metaphysician's career displays a list of his works as well as links to related sites. Includes an illustration.
Brief biography focuses on the German idealist's all-encompassing philosophical system. Includes scores of links.
Capsule biography of the German idealist is supplemented by a bibliography and links to images and essays about his philosophy.
Learn about the organization devoted to studying the metaphysician, and link to conference information, a journal, and related resources.
Learned society to promote the study of Hegel, Hegelianism, and their influence. Includes conferences, journal, and discussion list.
Robbert Veen's interactive study of Hegel's "Phenomenology of Spirit" invites participation. Link to related resources.
Steven Kreis sets forth a biography of the idealist in which he characterizes his philosophy as a "rationalization of his early mysticism."
Profile on the most influential thinker since Kant includes biographical data, a summary of his Absolute Mind concept, and related site links.
Profile of the German idealist explains the process of progress using the Hegelian spiral of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis.
Profile on the German idealist traces the development of his philosophy and introduces those thinkers subsequently influenced by his works.
Read Paul Redding's detailed biography of the most methodical of the post-Kantian idealists, with commentary on his works and related links.
Abridged profile discusses the German idealist's goal of developing a system to understand the historical evolution of the absolute.
Discover a concise outline of the philosopher's life and accomplishments with detailed illustrations.
Offers a profile of the philosopher, an overview of his methodology, doctrine of development, and his philosophy of nature and of mind.