C17th French science scholar who made his reputation as a philosopher by renewing interest in Epicurus and by assailing Aristotle and Descartes.
Read about the Italian thinker, educator, and political leader who supported fascism and propounded a theory of active idealism.
Learn about the C19th American social philosopher and economist who postulated that the railroad boom in the West made the majority poorer.
Trace the career of the C20th French thinker who was a force behind the renewed contemporary interest in Thomism.
Get a glimpse of the influential English proponent of philosophical anarchism, who was also a bookseller, author, and publisher.
Resource presents biographies, commentaries, a bibliography, and examples of her collected works. View photographs of the famous anarchist.
Learn about the C19th English educator and thinker whose criticism of empiricism eventually influenced his nation's social reform legislation.