Numerous professional linguists have been recruited to answer questions about language and linguistics. Includes past queries with responses.
Peruse an index of linguistic resources that address applied linguistics, phonetics, grammar and the history of English.
Project's goal is to create a database of wordnets for several European languages. Learn about its objectives and current status.
Linguistics overview examines basic questions of language and historical linguistics. Learn how languages are studied and how they change.
Goal of this linguistic approach is to create a single theory describing all language and grammar. The guide provides basic texts and resources.
Describes the basics of linguistics, defines some key terms and lists major sub-fields. Links to university linguistics departments are provided.
Robin Turner is a foreign language teacher and amateur linguist. His collection of essays on linguistics includes an extensive links section.
Columnist posts a short essay about some aspect of human language twice each month. Read the current issue, or browse the archives.
Collection brings together lexical tools for linguistics researchers. Learn about the database and how to access it.
Guide to the world's languages attempts to classify each language and promote multilingualism. Find the definition of a language.
Glossary of linguistic terms focuses on devices used in English writing. With extensive cross-references.
Comprehensive German language only linguistics server. Papers, reviews, bibliographies, software, course material, discussions, and links.
Search a number of databases for bibliographic materials pertaining to linguistics. Sponsored by the University of Essex.
University of Kassel provides this introductory linguistics textbook. Check out the index of topics.
Textbook describes features common to every language. Learn about semantic, phonological and syntactic universals.
Light-hearted look at languages features famous misquotes and linguistic humor. Submit examples of linguistic high-jinks.
Guide to e-mail lists on the linguistics of specific languages provides a description of each listserv. With subscription instructions.
General encyclopedic entry includes a look at the field of linguistics and summarizes the major families of languages.
Online encyclopedia defines the field of study and its branches, and offers a look at early and later approaches to the science.
View an index of this webring of sites related to languages and linguistics. Learn about constructed languages.
Linguistics newsgroup posts answers to frequently asked questions about language and linguistics. Learn about language history and families.
Directory offers natural language processing, speech database, academic, research and software links. Available in English or Japanese.
International Linguistics Dept. of the Summer Institute of Linguistics provides an alphabetical listing of linguistic terms and definitions.
Comprehensive links include library sites, texts, information on specific linguistic systems and conferences.
Browse of collection of linguistic resources provided by the University of Essex. Includes journals, software and mailing lists.
Brief FAQ explains the point of linguistics and identifies its major subfields. Read the benefits of majoring in linguistics.
Encounter archives, journals, mailing lists and articles related to the field of linguistics at this index.
Tool will create a word frequency index for any text. Learn how the program works and how frequency lists are used in linguistics.
Guide for beginning linguists provides annotated links to dictionaries, resources on specific languages, and phrase collections.
University of Oregon center offers comprehensive guides to language resources from Afrikaans to Yiddish.