Encyclopedia provides an extensive overview of this group of languages.
Find concise explanations of the Chinese fonts, applications, add-ons, and systems available for Windows, Mac, Unix, and OS/2.
Features classic Chinese literature in Chinese with English translations. Find links to dictionaries and other learning resources.
Search this comparative database of 19 dialects of Mandarin Chinese.
Guide to language and popular culture in China features a short glossary of Chinese neologisms with characters, pinyin and etymology.
View tongue-placement diagrams for several of the easily confused Chinese sounds.
Brief article compares the Mandarin and Cantonese languages. Learn in which parts of China each is spoken.
Encyclopedia entry provides a brief overview of this group of languages. Find links to related articles.
Academic organization provides links to scholarly publications about Chinese linguistics and university programs that teach the Chinese language.
Learn why the capital city's spelling changed from Peking to Beijing in this article about the shift to pinyin transliteration.
Essay provides a history of the earliest Western study of Chinese by Jesuit missionaries.
Read a description of the language's characteristics, dialects, written patterns, grammar, and development.
Use this conversion software to translate dates between Western and Chinese calendars. Output is in English and Mandarin pinyin.
Browse this complete glossary of Chinese kinship terms. A Chinese font must be installed.
Type an Arabic numeral into this converter and get its equivalent in Chinese characters. No font is required for picture output.
Find an extensive bibliography of books and articles on the Chinese language. A brief overview is also provided.
Find a few Chinese fonts for Mac and Windows computers.
Discuss Chinese language issues on these bulletin boards. Most posts are in English, with some Mandarin written in pinyin.