Link at the top of the page leads to a list of words in Afrikaans that resemble English or Dutch words but have very different meanings.
Club brings together Afrikaans speakers who live in "Nieu-Seeland." All information here is in Afrikaans.
Guide to this language provides extensive information and links in Afrikaans. Find an overview in several languages, including English.
Article contains a comparison of Afrikaans and Dutch cursing patterns. Learn about curses based on religion, sexual mores, and the weather.
Overview of this language includes some sample text. Find a brief glossary and links to Afrikaans books and guides.
Encyclopedia entry provides a definition of one of South Africa's official languages. Read about its origins.
Find a list of onomatopoetic animal-noise words in Afrikaans. Animal names are in Afrikaans as well.
Travel guide describes the monument erected in honor of this language. Also find some historical information about the language.