Find a list of brand names that have become adopted by general language usage, including Kleenex, Saran Wrap, Jell-O, and Styrofoam.
Dictionary attempts to collect and translate the expressions of several American generations. Find categories such as advice and life lessons.
Site for language lovers devotes time and space to discovering chiasmus. View examples, competitions, and a bio on the site's author, Dr. Grothe.
Word site caters to the computer hackers out there. Browse other jargon file resources.
Browse William Wieker's book on what the boss is really trying to say. Review an extensive list of word and phrase definitions.
Looks at various aspects of the English language in a way that is both entertaining and educational. Includes palindromes, anagrams and more.
Review a collection of nonsensical words that this site designer believes should be in the dictionary.