One man's pirate is another's privateer. Browse a list of privateer sailors, check Canadian ship histories, and study some Letters of Marque.
Comprehensive site sails infested waters around the world. Meet brigands, visit pirate museums, and study documents, including Letters of Marque.
Join a crew of brigands, rogues, and cut throats. Features book links, chat rooms, pirate songs, links, and general resources.
Set sail with this fun challenge for children that teaches them about famous pirates. Answer the questions to solve Captain Dave's riddle.
Concise encyclopedia entry differentiates buccaneers from other types of pirates, and provides some chronological parameters.
Cindy Vallar at Suite101 furnishes several articles that explore piracy on the high seas from a historical perspective.
General interest site proves better than the Disney Land ride. Meet famous captains, visit notorious hide outs, and compare facts with myths.
Pirate literature, biographies, museums, shipwrecks - predominately Caribbean-American.
Excellent compilation of links to rogue biographies, ship wrecks, and nautical museums. Buy gear, play games, and read cut adventure books.
Virginia Marin at Suite101 provides this outline chronicling the history of the "Golden Age of Pirates" with access to related study resources.
General guide for students of the violent maritime occupation. Handle weapons, board ships, and hoist the Jolly Roger.