Purveyor of Elizabethan, Celtic and Gothic adornments presents a catalog with photos and price information. Includes a link to purchase.
Jewelry designer provides an artist profile and photos of her wares, including crosses, penannular cloak-pins and armlets.
Claims to have the world's largest collection of reproductions of civilian and military Civil War hats. Also sells Victorian and Old West hats.
Purchase a marionette for Ren Faire, or simply for the joy of owning fairies, dragons and elves.
Examine a catalog featuring costume accessories such as trim, braids, fringes, chords and emblems. Make a purchase.
Find a large collection of clothing, tapestries and jewelry of Celtic design. Ordering information and reference pages included.
Craftsman produces traditional handmade paper-mache masks. Find a product catalog and a schedule of fair appearances.
Creator Norman Greene offers Turkish marriage rings in a variety of styles. Find a catalog with price information.
Browse the store's catalog of earrings, bracelets and pendants. Includes an artist biography and ordering information.
Features a collection of handmade jewelry, wood carvings and hairsticks. Find artist profiles and a calendar of festival appearances.