General history covers the migrations of the tribe to the British Isles, the coming of Christianity, and the unification of the Scottish crown.
Describes the architectural, farming, and textile-making techniques of the earliest Celtic immigrants. Includes a map of tribal settlement.
Describes the ancient people of Scotland and northern Ireland. Details the conquer of the Picts by Kenneth I.
Offers drawings, taken form Pictish stone carvings, of crescents, warrior depictions and animal images.
Description of the Bronze Age's arrival to Scotland in around 2000 BC features a trade route map and artifact photos.
Examines the character and technology of the Celtic tribes that introduced bronze to Britain, and analyzes the effect on weapon and tool-making.
Book chapter examines the consequences of iron's introduction to domestic life and the art of war in Scotland.
Traces the advent of Scotland's iron-making abilities to the migrations of the first Celt settlers. Includes illustrations of forts and crannogs.
Tract written by John of Fordun in 1345 purports to trace the lineage of Scot and Pictish rulers back to biblical times.
Traces the migrations of Scotland's earliest agricultural communities. Includes an examination of the archaeological discoveries at Skara Brae.
Book chapter describes the first weapons and instruments of Stone-Age Scotland, and conjectures on what life may have been like.