Article by Charlie Hore chronicles the vicious class struggle known as the Cultural Revolution in China.
Indiana University Bloomington Libraries provides this comprehensive bibliography of titles dealing with China's Cultural Revolution.
Read the 1966 document entitled "Circular of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution."
Maureen McHugh writes a short blurb about the student's names that were born out of the Cultural Revolution. Read a quote by Mao.
Details how Mao's Cultural Revolution policies effected the rural and agricultural sectors of China.
Chapter from Sam Marcy's "China and the Class War" details how China's Cultural Revolution blocked Capitalism from taking root in China.
Excerpts from Wendy A. Levine's thesis chronicles the history of the Beijing Opera before, during and after China's Cultural Revolution.
Provides access to primary source texts from the era of Chairman Mao's establishment and rule over the People's Republic of China. presents Sam Marcy's in-depth essay that offers a broad overview of the Cultural Revolution and the Mao era. Find contact info.
Get access to sources on China beginning from the Qing Dynasty to the People's Republic of China. Includes pictures of Chinese leaders.
Embassy of the People's Republic of China presents a document describing the establishment of the legal system in China.
Supplies a concise history of the violent years of China's Cultural Revolution, led by Mao in 1966.
Poon presents his project on China beginning with ancient origins to the Cultural Revolution. Find a time-line and a list of references.
Surowski presents his essay on the Chinese educational system commissioned by Projects for International Education Research.
Maoist Internationalist Movement clears up what it considers to be misconceptions regarding the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution.
Reviews a book by Roderick MacFarquhar entitled "The Origins of the Cultural Revolution: Contradictions Among the People, 1956-57."
Contains a summary of a book authored by Chihua Wen entitled "The Red Mirror: Children of China's Cultural Revolution."
Ji-li Jiang's moving account of growing up during China's Cultural Revolution is incorporated into a teacher's guide.
Get a brief description about the effects Mao's social reform had on Tibet.
Enter this museum of the Cultural Revolution and read articles, addresses, essays, and personal narratives. Also find pictures and posters.
Read about Mao's rule beginning with the Great Leap Forward and the events during the Cultural Revolution. Find info on other eras in history.