Academic essay by Eric Goldberg examines the 5th century works of Sidonius Apollinaris, a Catholic Gallo-Roman writer, politician, and churchman.
Medieval Sourcebook presents chapter 38 from Edward Gibbon's "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire." Focuses on the western empire.
Edward Gibbon's book, "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume IV," is excerpted here. Read the entire chapter 64.
Images from the history of the Roman Empire in the period Mid-3rd to early 7th century CE. Features mosaics, metalwork, and sculpture.
Describes the many plagues that befell ancient Greece and Rome including the Antonine plague of 166 AD.
Find links to resource documents on various aspects of daily life for someone living during the Roman empire. Includes a few images.
Features essays about the history and civilization of ancient Rome including its rulers, military, entertainment and culture.
Defines the structure of the government during Rome's era of empire. Describes the roles of the various magistracies.
Describes the role of the emperor and the organization of the government into the executive, legislative and judicial branches.
Supplement to the PBS documentary features a timeline, classroom resources, games, and a film summary.
Brief but satisfactory page dedicated to reconstructing life as it was in Rome, 312 CE. Includes pictures.
Furnishes overviews of ancient Roman history, society, art, religion, naming conventions and historical figures.