Read UN Secretary General U Thant's comments about the African country from UN Official Records dated 1962.
Encarta encyclopedia article reviews the history of the Central African country formerly known as Zaire.
Supplies an historical overview of the African country chronicling the pre-colonial, colonial and modern eras. Available in French or English.
Examines the cultural history of the Mbuti population of the Ituri Forest in Northern Zaire, aka, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Describes the government and leadership of the president of Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of the Congo, from 1965 to 1997.
Modern History Sourcebook offers the full-text of a speech presented by former President Kenneth Kaunda speech on March 18, 1966.
Article from an August 1993 issue of The Atlantic Monthly magazine discusses the growing crisis in the country formerly known as Zaire.
Check out Edward Morel's discourse from 1903 that describes the effects of imperialism in the countrynow known as the Democratic Rep. of Congo.
Professor of African history at Howard Univ. offers an essay about Zaire's role in the 1994 Rwandan massacres. Includes a historical synopsis.
Forum from a November 15, 1996 edition of Online NewsHour discusses the crisis in Zaire. Offers numerous articles relating to the issue.
Find a panel discussion transcript about Mobutu's imminent loss of power. Taken from an April 9, 1997 edition of Online NewsHour.
Describes the history of US relations with Zaire and its former leader Mobutu. Includes details about current American policy and offers links.
Find some images of paper money from the country formerly known as Zaire. Information taken from the Washington Square Coin Exchange.
Offers an economic and political profile of the country formerly known as Zaire. Describes Mobutu's changing fortunes between 1960-97.
Find an article by George Wright describing the end of Mobutu's 32-year regime. Details the efforts of the ADFL forces and Laurent Kabila.
Features a description of a successful CIA operation in the early 1960s that inadvertently helped the former dictator Mobutu seize power.