Rene Growcott looks at the history of the Doctrine of the Trinity and describes the philosopher Origen's contributions to its drafting.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library provides the 19 arguments delivered by Gregory Thaumaturgus in 238 AD at Caesareia Maritima.
Supplies reviews and purchasing details for a variety of books that profile the Christian philosopher and examine his Neoplatonic works.
Contains numerous texts and correspondences of the Christian philosopher, along with background on the history and meaning of the texts.
Offers a lengthy profile of this Christian philosopher who lived from 182-251. Search the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Contains a biography of the Neoplatonic philosopher and theologian of Alexandria. Access many of his works including "De Principalis."
Find an encyclopedia entry for Origen, an early Christian writer and philosopher.
Medieval Sourcebook provides this letter to Gregory, the bishop of Caesarea, written by Origen in 235 AD.
Furnishes a biography of the Christian philosopher of Alexandria and studies the many theological doctrines attributed to him.
Provides an Encarta biography of the Christian philosopher and theologian of ancient Alexandria. Includes a guide for related books.