Downloadable CNN coverage of Clinton's taped grand jury testimony. Includes statements on the Starr-Clinton showdown from key players.
Contains a journal index with many Clinton-Starr articles and commentary pieces.
Discussion group. Post views, for and against, the Starr report.
Former French culture minister, Jack Lang, proposes a campaign of support for Clinton among cultural figures, in this Washington Post article.
Read the text of Sen. Joe Lieberman's remarks to the Senate regarding Clinton's behavior, the Independent Counsel and the impeachment.
Congressional search tool, helpful for tracking members and activities of the US Congress. Useful for background to impeachment deliberations.
Find an indexed copy of the Office of the Independent Council's report on the investigation of President Clinton. Includes a resource guide.
Find educational resources concerning the congress and legislative processes. See hearing testimony, press releases, and committee membership.
Online petition and protest "against Kenneth Starr's vendetta." Find email and contact details for the main participants.
Read the full-text of Kenneth Starr's report to the Congress regarding the allegedly impeachable offenses of President Bill Clinton.
MSNBC provides details about Starr's appointment, the Whitewater land deal, the White House Travel Office firings and Vince Foster.
Text of Bill Clinton's and Monica Lewinksy's evidence before the Grand Jury.
Read the Starr Report in its entirety. Offers a table of contents.
Washington Post speculates about the intriguing legal questions posed by the Clinton inquiry, as the case moves into uncharted legal water.
White House legal team offers its first rebuttal of Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's report to Congress. From The Washington Post.
Highlights from Bill Clinton's testimony to the Grand Jury about the Monica Lewinsky affair (RealVideo).
Clinton statements about Monica Lewinsky collected by the Washington Post.
Trotskyist news and commentary site offers its views on the nature of political pornography.