View a clock that gives an updated estimate of the world's population. Includes an article on solutions to the world's overpopulation problem.
Report from the National Academy of Sciences examines issues of population growth in the US, India, and China. The full text is available here.
Makes an optimistic prediction about the relation of population growth to the world's food supply. Also covers the issue of an energy crisis.
George W Brailsford provides a lengthy essay where he states that the planet cannot handle the current population growth rate.
Offers an analysis of the world's population growth, along with the possible complications and solutions.
Organization claims that something needs to be done to stop the overpopulation of the Earth. Learn about possible consequences of overpopulation.
Claims that overpopulation won't result in disasters like some people believe. Find news, FAQs, and an opinion forum.
Catholic pastor gives his own unique perspective on the overpopulation hysteria.
Provides several articles about the attempts made by various countries to stem overpopulation. Read about India, China, and Singapore.
Organization is dedicated to advancing programs that help to slow down the world's population growth rate. Provides news and press releases.
Organization's goal is to present the truth about population-related issues throughout the world. Offers an archive of articles and editorials.
Find out why the Earth's population has increased so dramatically, and why it may stabilize in the future. Requires Shockwave Flash.
Find the latest news regarding the world's problem with overpopulation. Includes sections on possible solutions.
Find out about activities, programs, and events dealing with overpopulation in the Seattle area. Organization provides its mission statement.