Purposely annoying site offers free anonymous postcards, uncensored message boards and defenses of free speech.
Group works for freedom of expression. Read the monthly poetry magazine or visit the chat room.
Nonprofit trade association is devoted to fighting for the First Amendment rights of adults to read and view what they choose. Register to vote.
FindLaw offers a comprehensive guide to the freedom of expression and the Internet. View case studies of Internet censorship and expression.
Dubious awards are given to groups and individuals who worked to suppress speech. Learn why each recipient is "honored."
Visit a collection of links dedicated to the debate over free speech in the US. Touches on topics such as libel, privacy issues, and obscenity.
Express an opinion about politics, religion, and even "controversial" subjects.
National Coalition Against Censorship presents this guide to threats to free speech in the wake of terrorist attacks on the US. Find articles and summaries of incidents.
National Campaign for Freedom of Expression provides action alerts, practical tips, and legislative and current censorship news.
James Kalb argues that political correctness results from long-term political trends and will go only when there is a basic change in direction.
Introduction and index to an extensive site about Australian censorship of publications, films, computer games and so on.