Publications on corrections, capital punishment, jails, prisons, probation and parole. From the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Provider of detention services to gov't and the private sector describes its legal, escort, transportation, construction and financial services.
Anti-racist committee which fights against what it calls the "brutality" of control unit prisons.
Fact handbook summarizes issues involved with this corrections institution, including historical, overpopulation, and rehabilitation discourse.
Education databook describes this inhumane contraption and relates instances of its use throughout history.
Skim this guide to obtain an explanation for these correctional institutes and to discern them from prisons. Recommends related resources.
Corrections-focused library and clearinghouse provides personal research assistance to practitioners, policy makers, and researchers.
Extensive information on prison conditions around the world and international human rights standards relating to prisoners.
Combats the rape of male and female prisoners and provides assistance to survivors of prison rape.
Resources for victims opposing parole/clemency applications made by convicted criminals.
Prisoners who were released because of court findings of strong evidence of innocence.