Contains overviews of copyright and intellectual property law provided by Robert Oakley and Kenneth Crews.
Comprehensive source of information about trademarks, including federal trademark law, state trademark law and international trademark law.
Directory of intellectual property, trademark and copyright sites, from the firm of Subin, Rosenbluth, Losey, et al.
Provides a list of resources on the Internet on intellectual property including books, law journals and articles on copyrights and patents.
Directory of articles and reports on intellectual property also includes links to government, academic and private organizations.
Categorized under patents and trademarks, copyright and journals, these guides sum up issues and provide links related to intellectual property.
Articles and frequently asked questions address the policy and procedure of intellectual property law.
Course on patents and copyright includes an overview, court cases, articles and analyses. Includes a study guide and lecture notes.
Patent and intellectual property portal features resource directories, inventors' guides, a FAQ and shopping. Learn how to patent an invention.
Technology exchange marketplace matches property asset licensors with licensees. Purchase patent and technology intellectual property rights.
Portal lists firms and organizations specializing in intellectual property. Get help with patents, trademarks and infringement insurance.
Provides links, bibliographies, course overviews and industry news regarding copyright, trademark and cyberspace issues.