Offers programs and classes for children, adolescents, and adults for dealing with conflict and anger without resorting to violence.
Peace Studies Program offers an overview of its field of study, lists events and publications, and introduces its faculty and philosophy.
Peace and justice studies minor program describes its objectives, lists degree requirements and posts contact information.
Program presents its curriculum, showcases its facilities and seminars, and introduces its faculty and students.
Minor program in peace studies presents an overview of its field of study, details courses and posts peace links.
Master's program in legal studies with a concentration in dispute resolution describes its course of study and provides contact information.
School's Institute for International Peace Studies offers an overview of its graduate programs and lists its events, publications and faculty.
Find a community of on-campus and distance learners dedicated to innovation in peace & conflict resolution education.
Council on Peace Education showcases the school's peace studies program, lists requirements for major and minor degrees, and posts peace links.
Religion and philosophy department outlines its minor degree and certificate program in peace studies, and posts the curriculum.