News article examines the recording industry's ambitious initiative to develop a standardized system for identifying and tracking digital music.
Read about the claim of Princeton's Secure Internet Programming Group that they have cracked the SDMI secure music format.
Windows users and developers can find a primer on Digital Rights Management technology, allowing artists and labels to protect digital content.
Read about the resignation of Leonard Chiariglione and its impact on the record industry's initiative to create a secure digital music format.
Janelle Brown reports on the short-lived success of this digital watermark format developed for use by the recording industry to prevent piracy.
Damien Cave interviews Talal Shamoon of Secure Digital Music Initiative about its efforts to create a protected MP3 format.
Brad King check in on the rapidly-evolving Secure Digital Music Initiative, reporting that the industry now favors universality and ease of use.
Robert Lemos reports on the ongoing, and some say futile, effort to create a secure downloadable music format.
Ben Charney reports on the file swapping software's latest enemy, in the form of eMusic's new "acoustic fingerprinting" technology.
Jesse Berst compares the fight against music piracy to the war on drugs in this editorial on IBM's Electronic Media Management System.