Find tunes on MP3 with this search engine. Check out the downloads of hit songs or search by artist, genre, period or lyrics.
MP3 enthusiast presents a directory of popular and legal MP3 site lists, players and news. Find out how to get paid for listening to music.
Search this UK directory of MP3, streaming-audio-file, .wav, and music news and chart search engines. Provides descriptions of links listed.
Network of music lifestyle communities focuses on independent artists and new talent. Find MP3s and music news personalized to individual tastes.
Features news on the format, extensive music archives, links to software, and instructions for creating MP3 files.
Offers free access to full-length songs from bands worldwide. Search for songs by genre, the rate the music and find out how to add a clip.
Sift through daily MP3 news headlines, software sites and general guides by searching on a topic keyword. Join a forum to discuss your findings.
Instant access to "Top Ten" MP3 lists from such referrers as MTV, Billboard, 30 Second MP3s and MuchMusic. Plus an FTP server and news.
Search for MP3s by title and find news articles, downloads and reviews. Sign up for the monthly email magazine.
Download the sound of the digital underground in electronica, dance and indie rock genres. Also features streaming MP3, chat and a newsletter.
MP3 club gives registered members access to classical, dance, rock, and country music downloads. Get a free membership and access song reviews and search resources.
Download MP3 software and find converters, updated chart songs and search engines. Check out the overviews of featured equipment.
Peruse music and MP3 download center to seek out music by genre. Get the Lycos Music Player or visit the independent artist listening room.
Read the latest news and then explore a directory of players, encoders, rippers, utilities and skins designed for MP3 and RealAudio.
Introduces software and recording techniques designed to optimize sound quality for MP3 format downloads.
Find a search engine and Web directory that includes MP3 sites, FTP servers, software and hardware. Features a new artist each month.
Offers a searchable archive of free MP3 downloads, including utilities and players. Sign up for the mailing list.
Find a selection of links to MP3 music and news sifted by folks seeking out good music. Also includes RealAudio interview clips.
Digital music and video directory allows users to add and download files, participate in discussions, and find specs and info on hardware.
Start here for a comprehensive description of MP3 audio files including required hardware, copyright laws and links to MP3 file downloads.
Resource for digital music and MP3s offers music in ten different genres. Allows musicians to post their own music free of charge.