Provides a description and a history of this frenetic traditional American dance. Includes tips for avoiding dizziness.
Find links to technical articles on the art of this dance. Offers challenge lists, call definitions, and computer programs for beginners.
Collection of links to local contra-dance clubs is sorted by region and offers tips for getting to the events.
Includes a calendar of seasonal events, as well as class details and links to related dance resources. Sign up for the mailing list.
Country music fans will love this site that lists over one thousand line dances, plus links to record labels, artists and nightclubs.
Acton, California, country dance club provides information on events, line dancing step instruction, and etiquette.
Extensive info on country dancing including etiquette, step descriptions, glossary and music selections.
Download collections of line-dance step sheets, or access a large collection of dance-related links.