Musicians and other performers can find an open mic night in New York, San Francisco, Boston and elsewhere with the help of this directory.
Find out when and where Bay Area songwriters can strut their stuff. Includes a calendar, descriptions and a guide to open mic etiquette.
Sam Bayer compiles an annotated calendar of open mic nights around Beantown. Includes contact numbers and, when available, links.
Exhaustive guide to the Los Angeles music scene includes this directory of area open mics. Includes descriptions and contact information.
Rich Kulawiec compiles from newsgroup postings an impressive list of open mic nights and jam sessions, in a variety of genres, around the world.
Modest Web directory offers links to local open mic directories. Includes poetry, comedy and music genres.
Local songwriter Johnny Dredd offers a schedule and description for several open mic nights in and around Scotland's capital.
Read up on the regulations, then sign up for this weekly Bryn Mawr, Pa., open mic night hosted by acoustic guitarist Andy Kimbel.
Get all the details for this Wednesday night Atlanta open mic night. Features a live webcast, as well as archived audio and video.
New Hampshire's aspiring stars can hone their craft at any of the venues listed on this directory of Seacoast and Boston-area open mics.
Find the complete details for the Houston, Texas, Friday night open mic sponsored by SKE Presents, a production and management company.
Check out a compilation CD, or visit the official site of the Buffalo, N.Y., coffee shop to find out more about the weekly open mic.
Performers and music fans can get the details for this weekly open mic event at the legendary bar in Mill Valley, Calif.
Arlington, Va., rock 'n' roll band offers complete details for its weekly open mic extravaganza at Angelo's Restaurant.
Greenwich Village organization sponsors a weekly open mic at the Baggot Inn. Details hours, directions and performance guidelines.