Fill out request forms to have lyrics of contemporary pop hits emailed directly to you.
Find guitar chords, tablature and transcriptions for hundreds of bands and musicians.
Site offers guitar instruction articles, a tab search and guitar instruction shareware. With an extensive list of tab resources.
Get the lyrics to songs by artists ranging from Celine Dion and N'Sync to Lauryn Hill and the Beastie Boys from this music fan.
Fan posts lyrics by such bands as Aerosmith and the Beastie Boys.
Browse an archive of song lyrics organized by title and performer. Includes partial discographies and some artist photos.
Resource offers downloadable song lyrics and notations for vocalists and musicians. Search for titles by artist or musical genre.
Offers lyrics updated daily. Also includes MIDIs, .wav files and MP3s of music by such singers and groups as 'N Sync, Metallica and Eminem.
Download free guitar tablature and sheet music. Learn to play popular riffs by jamming along with the original.
Directory of sheet music can be searched by song title, artist or musical genre. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter.
Claims to offer the lyrics of more than 10,000 songs. Includes musician discographies and news, sample cover art, sound clips and links.
Explore this index of guitar tablature; categories include classical, pop and rock, and TV and movie themes.
Find lyrics from today's popular songs, including the latest hits and favorites from the past.
Woke Up In A Guitar Tab Place provides unofficial tabs and lyrics for this popular singer's debut album, plus cover versions and rare songs.
Find over 150 links to tablature and music from bands like Metallica and Smashing Pumpkins.Includes a nifty javascript guitar chord teacher.
Resource founded in 1997 offers chat as well as song lyrics updated daily. Submit the words to a favorite song.
Peruse a directory of lyrics for various artists and bands. Many genres are represented and artists are arranged alphabetically.
Archive features lyrics for thousands of songs in a searchable database. Also features links to MP3 download sites.
Browse the lyrics archive by name of artist or song title.
Search for lyrics by artist or title. Visitors may also submit or request the words to favorite songs.
Huge archive of lyrics alphabetically indexed by artist or group, music news, forum community, and a top billboard.
Songwriters can add their lyrics to this directory and win a prize. Become a member, read selected lyrics, or subscribe to the newsletter.
Offers the lyrics of the latest songs in rock, metal, punk and pop, plus many complete albums.
Lyrics index searches the Web for songs specified by title or band name. Enter selection to view results, and link directly to the sites found.
Presents a collection of guitar tablature files for classic rock, metal, alternative and indie bands. Find tab resources.
Sing the praises of this resource that offers free sheet music and music books. Take one-minute music lessons.
Collection of files to assist people in learning how to play the guitar. Search the archive or find details of related sites.
Peruse the lyrics to the albums "Stankonia," "Aquemini," "ATliens," and "Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik." Links to Outkast's CDs for auction on eBay.
Offers lyrics, MIDI files, and guitar chords for the hosts' favorite love songs. Browse traditional and modern songs and find love quotes.
Personal web site offers an A-Z of guitar tab and explanation of a variety of bands such as Beck and Iggy Pop.
Reference book contains lyrics organized by such topics as poetry, insults, and politics. Visitors can search by artist or get a random quote.
Archive of guitar tabs for a well-chosen collection of rock greats. Covers Dylan, The Beatles, Stones, Neil Young, Frank Zappa and more.
Fans provide lyrics, MP3s and downloads of their favorite songs.
Great guitar resource provides free lessons using MIDI and RealAudio samples, a large range of tabs and features on famous guitarists.
Offers SyncLyric, a Windows freeware for transcribing song lyrics from CDs, MP3 files, and WAV files. Find out about music and lyric copyright.
Comprehensive search engine scans the Web and OLGA to find guitar tabs and chords for favorite songs. Search by band name or song title.
Browse for an extensive collection of guitar tabs, lessons and lyrics. Find over 60,000 guitar and bass tablatures, chords and scales.
Access the lyrics to current pop songs. Browse an index of artists or check out the most requested songs.
Search lyrics by artist, album or song title. Link to the Billboard, UK and Dutch Top 40 songs.
Search or browse for guitar tablature, guitar lessons, music software and message boards. Also purchase CDs, sheet music or instruments.