Bands can get instant exposure by registering their names in this directory created for the music industry. Find news, articles and classifieds.
Brilliant whipper-snappers came up with a way to generate band names after seven martinis. Add one to the database to see the rest.
Self-proclaimed freak lists the names of famous bands along with names that he spontaneously makes up while walking or sleeping.
Browse a list of over 500 bands with the word "head" in their names, with links to a band bio or official homepages.
Browse a list of catchy, cheesy or sleazy band names, and email the author to put one of them to good use.
Heathen World provides a comprehensive list of famous and infamous band names and the origins behind them.
Incredibly comprehensive collection of band names is now divided into subsections including political, edible, religious and animal band names.
Offers a whopping 1,221 name suggestions, with credit given to the creative few who thought them up.