Read a review of this tough, unusual drama about a gang of high-school girls coping with a friend's suicide.
Review a complete list of the film's cast and crew, get a plot summary, read memorable quotes, and check out viewer commentary.
Indie darling and star of the improvisational drama discusses her role in creating the hard-nosed teenage mother she portrays in the film.
Listing of links takes the curious to over 30 reviews of the 1996 film that starred Lili Taylor. Gauge the critical consensus.
Mr. Cranky warns, compliments of his three-bomb rating, that this film could send viewers into therapy. Dissenting opinions are welcome.
Steve Rhodes presents a collection of links for those seeking resources on this intriguing film. Find articles, interviews, and reviews.
Michael O'Sullivan and Desson Howe both offer their opinions on this acclaimed high-school melodrama, one positive, the other quite critical.