Roger Ebert discusses this film's intriguing story, a narrative about a woman who vanishes. With a critique of the acting and direction.
Dutch film poses psychological questions about the nature of knowledge and uncertainty. Read a commentary on the movie's cinematic themes.
Dutch film, also called "The Vanishing," details one man's struggle to find his missing girlfriend. Discusses the movie's direction and acting.
Read a commentary about the horrifying aspects of this film, also known as "The Vanishing," about a woman's disappearance. With a plot summary.
Subtitled French-Dutch film centers on a man who spends his life seeking his missing girlfriend. Learn about the movie's psychological aspects.
Award-winning Dutch film chronicles a man's search for his girlfriend, who's vanished without a trace. Read a critique of the plot and direction.
Find details about this Dutch psychological thriller, which relates the story of a woman who vanishes into thin air.