Critiques the lackluster pairing of Sarah Michelle Gellar and Sean Patrick Flannery in this teenage romantic comedy.
Access cast information, video clips, reviews, official web sites and photos from this romantic comedy starring Sarah Michelle Giller.
Check out links to over 50 reviews of the Sarah Michelle Gellar film, culled from newspapers, magazines, and movie guides around the Web.
Provides basic cast information about this romantic comedy as well as photos of its stars, Sarah Michelle Geller and Sean Patrick Flanery.
Citing the absurdity of the film's major plot device, a magical crab, Mr. Cranky gives the film his lowest rating. Respond in the forum.
Ebert is one of the very few critics to like this Sarah Michelle Gellar romance. Read his reasons for giving it three stars out of four.
Following a detailed list of the film's adult content, find a rather negative review which suggests the movie be used as a correctional device.