Watch a RealVideo interview with Sofia Coppola as she talks about "The Virgin Suicides" and becoming a movie director.
Short interview with the "Virgin Suicides" director includes some discussion of her short stint as an actress and as a costume designer.
Listen to a RealAudio interview with the actress-turned-director in which she talks about directing her first major feature.
Fan's tribute to the actress, clothes designer and movie director includes photos, a bio, articles, news items and related links.
Read a brief biography of the young director provided by the official site of the Coppola family winery. Includes a photo.
Detailed interview with the director of "The Virgin Suicides" includes her thoughts on adolescence and some of her non-directing ventures.
Conversation with the novice director "The Virgin Suicides" reveals that James Woods favorably compared her to Oliver Stone. Find out why.