Find out what this artist is currently working on and find out how to hire him. Includes his resume.
Fans of "Frank Magazine" can find a collection of Bone-in-the-Nose strips. Check out the collection of humorous cartoons.
Find a lengthy feature article on the creator/writer/artist for the long-running For Better or For Worse comic strip.
Hogan's Alley posts this interview with the creator of For Better or For Worse. Johnston reveals how her childhood inspired her comics.
View the cartoons of this artist whose work lampoons the medical profession. Includes a list of "Nellie Nifty" collected editions.
Provides a tribute to the cartoonist who created Dennis the Menace. View some of his painted works, which are tributes to fellow cartoonists.
Find out about this artist who has drawn for editorial cartoons, children's books, greeting cards, calendars and magazine illustrations.
Check out a collection of Christian-inspired cartoons from this artist.
Artist has worked on comic strips, comic books and editorial cartoons. Check out some of the cybercomics.