Player of the fantasy trading card game offers his custom decks along with some tips for beginners.
Two fantasy card game players spotlight their suggested decks and strategies. Learn how to build a deck.
View this trader's profile and check out the price lists. Provides an archive of decks, articles and pictures.
Find out what annoys this fan about the traders that he's dealt with. Have a look at the sample decks.
Players of the fantasy card game can find this fan's list of custom decks and a section with cards for sale.
Magic enthusiast shares the rules of the game and provides an FAQ for those who wish to learn how to play. Includes links to playing guides.
Although Robert is no longer playing the game, he's still offering the archive of rules and FAQs.
Enthusiast of the trading card game provides a couple of scans and some deck lists.
Enthusiastic collectable card game player offers some strategic tips and deck suggestions. Read about the tournament victories.
Andrew offers card pictures, tips on card combos, and a list of cards for sale.
Yet another Magic player posts a list of cards for trading, along with a series of custom decks.
Magic enthusiast provides evaluations of some powerful decks, a list of combos, and links to other related resources.
Find out what decks this player uses to defeat his enemies. Also features a section for trades.
Beginners can read a tutorial about how to build a good deck of cards for play, and those more advanced can read other strategies.