Summary bio by an enthusiastic amateur of the medieval author and traveler includes a putative portrait in his old age.
Find an account of this naval battle in which Marco Polo fought with the Venetians against the Genoese. Includes reproduced battle photos.
View a slide-show presentation detailing the travels of Marco Polo in the 13th century. Includes a map of his travels.
Excerpt from the book, still controversial, about the kingdoms of the East by this dubious but fertile model of modern Western travel writers.
Investigate the Tartars of the 13th century with the help of this dubious Venetian traveler and teller of tales not always his own.
Examine a collection of essays that the island of Korcula with the passage of the Polo family in the 13th century.
Biographical history by Dr. Zivan Filippi includes details on the explorer's early life, an features accounts of his trips to Asia.
Concise encyclopedia entry chronicles the thirteenth century Italian explorer's Asian adventures.
Description of the life, career and influence of the intrepid Venetian includes a portrait and an excerpt from his debatable book.