Parody of the Brides of Kane site does offer a bio of the wrestler somewhere. Visitors will have to figure the rest out on their own.
Tribute to popular cruiserweights Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio Jr. includes pictures, biographies, and interviews.
Contains five pages of pictures plus a history, biography, and news. Post to the message board or read fantasies.
Includes stats and personal favorites of the pro wrestler, plus several tributes and a list of TV appearances Kidman has made.
Read about one fan's encounter with the cruiserweight hunk on the Jenny Jones Show, or peruse archived news items.
Modest Kidman tribute features two pages of pictures, stats and favorites, and a link to a report of Kidman's appearance on "The Dating Game."
Packed site includes pictures, interviews, and fan fantasies. Send a greeting card or sign up for a pen pal.
Scan the myriad galleries of Kidman photos, including young Kidman and his appearances on MTV and the Jenny Jones Show. Also get sound files.
Dedicate fan site features Kidman news, pictures, and opinion columns. Take the poll or find out about the fan club.