Find a synopsis and a series of reviews about this history of Boris III, whose protection of Jews from Hitler may have led to his enigmatic end.
Background on the removal of the King's monument in Israel in July of 2000. Describes how Boris III helped to save 50,000 Jews in Bulgaria.
Read about the Tsar's skill in diplomacy. Discover how and why he ended his reign by abdicating in favor of his son Boris III in 1918.
Transcript of a May 1996 letter from the king to his people, expressing his feelings about a recent return to his homeland.
Background on the Eastern Orthodox monarch who acceded the throne as a minor following the death of King Boris III. View a photo of his family.
Dedication remembers the late Queen Giovanna of Bulgaria. Features the obituaries from London Times and Bulgarian daily Demokraciya.
Trace the reign of the monarch who ruled from 1918 to 1943, and was popular in spite of his authoritarian methods.
Profile of the ruler makes note of his impetuosity, and provides contradictory assessments of his strengths as a leader of his people.