Find a profuse list of software reviews, PC and Mac downloads and articles on the subject of speech recognition technology.
Read a review of Conversa Web including a comparison chart and a link to downloads.
Discusses issues related to the use of speech recognition technology.
Read reviews about speech recognition software with links to the manufacturer's product pages and purchasing information.
Resource covers issues such as repetitive-strain injuries and speech-recognition systems. See product descriptions.
Conducts research into cutting-edge areas of media and technology, such as interactive cinema, digital TV and autonomous agents.
Victor Garza presents the bottom line about Dragon's NaturallySpeaking and IBM's ViaVoice.
ZD-Net editor reviews the various products on the market delivering speech recognition technology.
Find a comparative review of NaturallySpeaking and DragonDictate, describing what they do and do not do.
Shopper's guide provides concise reviews of speech recognition products. Check for pricing and availability.
Geared towards a national professional association of medical office administrators, this guide provides the basics of the technology.
Describes the technology of voice recognition and provides customer comments about the products.
Describes the technology behind Dragon Systems' NaturallySpeaking Preferred Edition software.
Find out what to look for in voice recognition software products. Read reviews, customer comments and check prices.