Check out a technical explanation for NURBS. Author includes graphics and demonstration images.
Professional 3D illustrator provides beginners with tutorials for creating objects, models, lighting, and textures.
3D animator and illustrator offers tutorials for Maya and 3D Studio Max. Includes sections for NURBS and Polygons.
3D illustration expert offers a brief tutorial for designing a spaceship for computer gaming purposes. Includes examples.
Tutorial prepares students and beginners with the basics for CAD/CAM design. Learn how to find the best software for the project.
Provides beginning illustrators and animators some background history on this subject, as well as tutorials, and recommended reading.
3D illustration and animation student provides various tips, tricks, and tutorials for texture, model, and object design.
Find tutorials, tips, and tricks for various 2D and 3D illustration and animation software packages. Chapters include Composing, Animation, and Lightwave 3D.
Check out tips, tricks, and guides to 3D animation and illustration titles like 3D Studio Man, Softimage, Lightwave, Alias Wavefront, and Truespace.